Plastic Free OnlusPlastic Free Onlus

Plastic Free Municipalities

Collaboration between institutions and citizens is the basis of a real change for the good of the planet.

A path of growth together



The collaboration between the Municipality and Plastic Free starts with the signing of a Protocol of Agreement. A real pact that has the aim of generating benefits for the territory, streamlining bureaucratic procedures, encouraging voluntary activities, and bringing the institution closer to citizens engaged in environmental protection.



It is the award dedicated to the Municipalities that have distinguished themselves by adopting a series of measures aimed at improving their territory for the good of the environment and for the good of future generations.
The evaluation criteria are based on 5 pillars:

  • fight against illegal abandonment,
  • raising awareness of the territory
  • collaboration with our association
  • urban waste management
  • virtuous activities carried out

The recognition lasts for one year and the award ceremony takes place in a suggestive location where the delivery of our trophy and certificate of virtuosity level equal to 1, 2 or 3 turtles.

Download the complete presentation 2024

Signed protocols of agreement

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Signed protocols of agreement

Select a region to see the list of municipalities that have signed a protocol of agreement

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